Miss Thrifty3 June 17, 2010
Miss Thrifty readers sent in some great thrifty shoe tips for the recent competition to win a copy of SHOO, Jimmy Choo! – and here are some of the best.
Buying the right shoes
Never, ever buy shoes that don’t fit! If you can’t run for the bus in them when you’re late for work, they’re not going to make it through the rest of the day without you feeling the pain somewhere! (Sue)
I highly recommend Deichmann Shoes for value for money. I am not a big spender on fashionable footwear but when I do buy them, I like to feel I have got a pair that will last and for a good price. (Victoria at Do Away With Debt)
If you have hard, tight boots (and if you can bear this), try wearing them for half an hour at a time in front of the TV while wearing damp socks. (Diana)
Here’s my tip (something an old-fashioned cobbler once told me). Never wear the same pair of shoes two days running. They need time to breathe and recover in order to last longer. If you can, invest in some proper shoe trees to help them keep their shape. Cedarwood ones are best as the oil is naturally anti-bacterial and odour killing. Insert your shoe trees when your shoes are not in use, and make sure you rotate which ones you wear. That way they will last you for years and years. (Elizabeth)
Stuff your favourite boots/pointy shoes/precious closed-toes with newspaper to keep their shape when you’re not wearing them. It actually works, especially for boots, and keeps them pretty for longer. (Em)
I’ve used a black sharpie to cover a small scuff on my black boots. I beats having to buy a new pair and no one has ever noticed! (Jenna)
WINNER ALERT: The winner of the SHOO, Jimmy Choo! prize draw is Helen (entry 13 – lucky for some). Well done!
And for the rest of you: I have a number of books that I’ll be giving away over the next couple of months, so watch this space…
3 Responses to “Top thrifty shoe tips – and the SHOO, Jimmy Choo! winner”
Elliot says:
Fantastic advice about taking care of your shoos!
October 26, 2016 at 1:04 pm